This section is dedicated to archives from the FP7 ASTRONET project (GA262162), and more generally to Astronet productions between 2010 and 2020.
Final report, Science Vision and Infrastructure Roadmap
European coordination of research infrastructures
- Recommendations regarding coordination of large infrastructure projects
- Radio Astronomy in Europe: Up to, and beyond, 2025
- Implementation of the ETSRC recommendations
- Coordination of the European 8-10m telescopes by the ELTSRC
- Implementing the VO in a permanent way
- Establishment of a Laboratory Astrophysics database
- Implementation of common actions for ASL, laboratory astrophysics, VO and other areas
Integration of the European communities in mainstream astronomy
- Status and opportunities of the astronomical communities in Eastern Europe
- Suitable measures to expedite the integration of communities in mainstream astronomy
- Options for involving each community in future major European astronomy projects
Coordination of national funding agencies
- Common statutes for future common action programmes
- Synchronization of national funding programmes
- Evaluation and funding decision of the 2nd joint call
- Evaluation and funding decision of the 3rd joint call